working with couples
creating safe connection
“Your task is not to seek love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.” — Rumi
The metaphor of the bridge is a useful one in couple therapy. I invite you each to view the world through the eyes of the other, imagining your relationship as a bridge across which you can visit the world of the person you love, and be more deeply understood in your own.
This paves the way for conscious choice into new ways of being with one another, guided by compassionate insight, and without the differences between you bringing you into conflict. Relationships become more secure and authentic when we can learn how to transform conflict into a source of growth and maturity. In the absence of connection, couples so often drift into ‘parallel lives’, with little or no exchanged expression of love.
I offer to teach you how to have ‘safe’ conversations with one another, adopting new ways of reaching across the divide and abandoning old narratives of blame and inadequacy.
“We have learned thanks to you to take charge of our relationship and not be defined by our arguing. We can tune into each other more deeply and it is such a relief.”