working with Individuals
“Undoing aloneness”
"Now is the time to understand more so that we may fear less.” — Marie Curie
A feeling of ‘stuckness’ and repeated patterns of disappointment are often drivers for those who seek change.
I work with the belief that the experience of ‘undoing aloneness’ lies at the heart of therapeutic change. This concept, formulated by Diana Fosha (the founder of Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy), is a guiding presence as we explore what brings you to therapy and as we track the changes you make.
Let’s look together at how you have come to view the world: the deep implicit truths that have guided you (often outside your awareness), the memories within the narratives you tell yourself about yourself and about others, and the ‘somatic’ memories (which are stored in the body). From here we can focus on changes you can make to get you to the destinations you seek in life, both personally and professionally.
“Thank you for giving me my life free of all those old constraints.”